IHS | District | |
Graduation Rate (Class of 2023) | 94.8% | 94.7% |
Students earning college credit (2022-23)* | 1 | 1,112 |
Certifications (2022-23)* | 6 | 1,935 |
*Unduplicated and all grade levels
Independence High School seeks to provide an individualized, academically challenging program for all students which will emphasize the development of personal responsibility and promote positive growth in academics, interpersonal relations, and values necessary in becoming productive citizens.
Instruction and Intervention
All MUHSD students prepare for college and careers through rigorous, relevant instruction.
Parent & Community Partners
MUHSD will involve all parent & community partners to ensure the success of all aspects of the district.
Career Technical Education
Career Technical Education is a course of study that provides academic and technical knowledge and skills.